
Medicine Name : Molly / Ecstasy

What Is MDMA? 

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine) is a chemical used in the street drug Ecstasy, whiles the crystal and powder form is called Molly.  Molly - as if she were a real person and not a drug - is the street name for this popular rave drug used in nightclubs and music festivals to alter ones mood and perception.  Molly - short for “molecule”- is commonly claimed to be safer than ecstasy due to its being purportedly free of adulterants, such as methamphetamine, caffeine, or other substances.

Current Use

For many concertgoers and festival lovers, Molly has become the drug of choice. It causes users to experience feelings of energy, euphoria and empathy towards others due to it increasing the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain. It is also known to distort vision, hearing, sense of time as well as inhibits the body’s ability to regulate temperature, resulting in hyperthermia, elevated body temperature, causing perspiration.  Many consumers see Molly as a drug that helps them let loose, become a better dancer and as well dance all night, but there are many facts about the substance that users may not be aware. 

History of MDMA

MDMA is a substance thats been around over a century.  The substance was first synthesized by a German pharmaceutical company in 1912 in attempts to produce an appetite suppressant.  

The drug was also used as a therapy aid for marriage counseling and psychotherapy in the 1970s, prior to it being moved to a controlled substance in the 1980s.

Active Ingredients

The psychoactive drug is primarily used for recreational purposes desired effects include altered sensations, empathy, increased energy as well as pleasure.

Chemical Formula : C11H15NO2

Molar mass : 193.25 g/mol

Boiling point : 221 F (105 C)

ChEMBL Id: 43048

ChemSpider ID: 1556

PubChem CID : 1615

Molly, amongst many, is considered the “pure” form of MDMA, while reserving the term Ecstasy for tablets thought more likely to be cut with other synthetic substances, however Molly has been often found to contain other drugs as well. According to The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the Center of Substance Abuse Research, much of the MDMA seized by police contains other substances including:

  • Ketamine (section 9)
  • PCP
  • DXM
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Synthetic cathinones (bath salts)
  • Pseudoephedrine
  • Ephedrine
  • Caffeine
  • Various over-the-counter medicines

There have been documented deaths of several young people that have been linked to Molly. But some of the toxicology reports of the deceased showed that they died from fatal mixtures of MDMA and methylone, methylone itself - as well as dehydration. 

Methylone is a compound commonly found in another street drug known as “bath salts”, which has properties and side effects similar to that of MDMA. According to many law enforcement officials “bath salts” are often sold under the name Molly. The toxicity of bath salts may be higher than MDMA and can play a role in sudden cardiac death.  

The scary thing about Molly/Ecstasy is you never know how pure she is, especially by looking at it.  Always get a tester, do not take this drug from strangers - in fact I recommend that you don’t take any drugs from strangers. 


Despite its legalities, there has been some research that indicates that MDMA may have certain therapeutic benefits. One random controlled study of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in the treatment of PTSD that 83% of those given MDMA showed improvements in their symptoms compared to the placebo study of only 25% improvement. 

Adverse Effects

Even with its popularity as a “fun” party drug and its possibility of having therapeutic potential, MDMA comes with risks and adverse effects that can be unenjoyable as well as deadly for some. To start off, some known short-term effects may include:

  • Anxiety 
  • Paranoia
  • Sleeplessness
  • Muscle cramps and tension
  • Involuntary teeth clenching 
  • Severe dehydration
  • Sweating
  • Cold chills
  • Elevated blood pressure, body temperature, breathing rate, and heart rate
  • Nausea
  • Blurred vision
  • Hallucinations
  • Tremors
  • Vertigo/fainting 
  • Sexual dysfunction

The euphoric high and feelings of love quickly fade as the drug wears off leaving the user feeling dark and depressed. Many habitual users refer to this feeling as “Suicide Tuesday”.  The feelings and symptoms usually last longer than a day and can endure for up to a week, or longer, depending on the person. The withdrawal symptoms or “come down” may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Aggression
  • Depression
  • Cognitive problems
  • Decreased appetite
  • Loss of libido
  • Memory issues
  • Sleep disturbances

When consuming MDMA, several neurotransmitter systems are impacted. The feelings of euphoria, elevated mood and heightened sense of perception is the surge of serotonin in your body flooding your brain.  As the drug wears off, the serotonin activity levels become depleted - serotonin being what balances our moods, and keeps us happy and sane. The temporary depletion may be the cause of the above side effects or any post-MDMA depression. Habitual users may experience several long-term effects associated with prolonged use of MDMA. Some of those effects can be:

  • Severe anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Confusion
  • Cognition and memory problems
  • Sleep problems
  • Death

While it isn’t the “fun” side to think about, Molly - she can kill you - in one single night.  Larger doses of MDMA can affect the body’s ability to regulate its temperature. This can lead to a spike in body temperature which has potential to exacerbate muscle breakdown, or rhabdomyolysis.  It may additionally be associated with organ failure such as kidney, heart as well in rare case cause complete failure and death.  Majority of the deaths related to MDMA do not occur from a overdose on the drug itself, but from deadly mixtures with other drugs, and the body becoming severely dehydrated resulting in heatstroke. 


Molly did not become illegal in the United States until 1988 when it was categorized as a Schedule I drug after illicit use started to become popular in the college and nightclub scene. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) classifies molly as a Schedule I controlled substance, which states that the drug has high potential for abuse and no accepted use in medical treatment.  According to the DEA, Molly can cause anxiety, depression, confusion, paranoia, sleep problems as well as drug cravings. 


I have had a few experiences in my twenties on Molly and Ecstasy, some enjoyable and some not.  As I have grown into the herbalist that I am with my passion surrounding natural medicines, I tend to steer clear of the manmade synthesized substances.  I call it the “human factor”. Once man has synthesized it, cut it, you have now removed its natural compounds that make it safe - which at removal can make it dangerous. One example being coca leaves to cocaine.  You can chew on the coca leaves for natural energy, however once extracted into cocaine and cut, with lord knows what these days, it has now become a risk factor, the “human factor”.  

I’ve had many friends that prefer it and enjoy it, especially with my years in Las Vegas, but for me I pay close attention on what my body likes, and what it doesn’t.  So, if I had to compare Molly to Psilocybin, it would be Psilocybin hands down and neck up!  I’d rather have the euphoria and enlightenment of magic than to have my eyes and jaw twerking like Miley Cyrus for the party - plus I love to eat and Molly and food DON’T MIX.


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