Don't Break Your Neck For Nobody


Well All, 

I have to say - This Was A Learning Experience.  

I most recently was wrapping up a client, the definition of a Chad client.  

And ... I am now kicking myself for knowing in my GUT that I should've left alone, but the goodness in me and the giving the "benefit of doubt" to a client I thought had more integrity than they did...let me just tell the tale.

On February 11, 2022 (last Friday) ~ I was giving a "Professional Curtesy" (meaning I wasn't getting paid anymore; the client had ONLY paid me for the Design of his Lab/Kitchen, the Equipment List, the SOP/SDS manuals needed to pass inspection (and in general open/train and operate your Production) , and 3 Formulations of recipes for his ownership. 

I had a gut feeling to NOT offer to do any more, however, I am so passionate about my work and I have yet to have any products that I have been contracted to do NOT Launch; so in that - the client asked if I could come in and "train" his staff on "How To" follow my SOPs on his recipes he had purchase.  Now, Normally/Always I charge my time.  The client expressed that he would greatly appreciate if I came in to train and help with the first batch.  So then I - feeling bad, offered my time.  The client then - ABUSED IT.

I drove multiple times to the facility (which is 3 hours from my home - meaning 3 hours back) for him to have NOT ordered OR followed ANY of my consult...SO in long story short.  Because he DIDn't Listen to My Consult - I Ended Up Paying the Price.

Happy Chef is now down for a few weeks in healing; I have 4 herniated disks in my neck that are shooting nerve pain, down my spine/left arm/left shoulder, left side of neck up to my head/brain.  Nerve pain is quite painful and I cannot even stand to work.  So I am now in healing; physical therapy, chiropractors, MRI's and loads of medicines (which my body never agrees with) are in my present to heal and deal.

Happy Fact to Everyone- DO NOT EVER offer to help those who are not deserving...I have messaged this client multiple times about him having a policy (which they should have) and have gotten ZERO RESPONSE, AND I WAS INJURED ON PROPERTY. SO - LESSON LEARNED, a Painful Lesson; however this is one mistake I will not be making again.

Your Time, Your Expertise is Worth Everything; Your Health is Worth Everything - Do Not Jeopardize Any Of It For This Chad Chad World Out Here.

<3 Edi

#DropsSpatula #RantOver #Ouch


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